For most of us, the biggest challenge with exercise is finding the time to exercise. I want to be consistent with my exercising because it helps me stay healthy and I feel better. I don’t have time for the gym, so I try to fit in my 20 minutes a day throughout my everyday routine. I count every set of exercise as one minute.
I woke up early this morning to get the day going. I did one set of crunches and one set of chattarunga push-ups while the coffee was brewing (2 minutes). One of my favorites is the 100-Up, which I’ll do while walking out to get my newspaper. A set of side planks while reading the headlines, another set of push-ups and some stretching. After a couple of cups of coffee, I’m ready for a shower. A set of push-ups while waiting for the shower to heat up and a set of squats while washing my hair. When I’m out of the shower, I do a set of squats while brushing my teeth and another while lathering up to shave. Before I’m dressed for work, I’ve gotten in 9 exercises or 9 minutes against my 20 minute goal.
The rest of the exercise today is a bit more sporadic, but my goal is to automatically make the active choice. I park in my office garage as far as possible and walk the stairs in the garage. Count that as one minute. I’ll sneak in some lunges while brewing a cup of coffee. This is the tricky one because you risk your co workers ridicule. Lucky for me, my company encourages exercise and has enrolled more than 1/3 of our employees in the Step Up for World Hunger challenge. I consider exercise in the office to be my unashamed goofy way of leading by example. I also consider the breaks in the day to be a good opportunity to hit the reset button and focus on priorities.
While back in the safety of my office, I get in two sets of “chair dips” while I’m logging into my computer. and later, two sets of curls with the bands I keep under my desk while listening into a conference call. At lunch I walked down the stairs from the 18th floor. It was about 800 steps and I give myself credit for 3 minutes of exercise.
At bed time I still had two more minutes to go. Which is just right for the pull-up bar I have next to my bed. 3 sets of as many reps as I can comfortably accomplish (6) and I’m off to bed to stretch, read, and fall asleep. I logged 21 minutes today without having to think about it.
I’ll jog with Lola tomorrow morning and get my 20 minutes knocked out straight away. I’ll still keep count of how many sit-ups, squats, etc because you don’t know if you’re really doing something if you don’t track it. My wife uses a fitbit but I prefer the old fashion notebook. Multi-task exercising requires knowing what exercises you can do during what periods of time. First identify the natural breaks in your day and set your mind that you’ll also deposit a little into your fitness bank whenever you can. Good luck sneaking in your exercising!
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